

روضة نور

روضة نور

Ravdanur is an independent philanthropic and advocacy association that aims to improve living standards of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people in Turkey and those who suffered during the war, focusing on young children, boys and girl’s education, health and protection. Using the proximity advantage to the problematic areas, Ravdanur eagers to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems.  Our strategy is to build an international network to finance the projects that have been designed on the actual needs of target groups. Special concern is given to the most vulnerable among these populations such as, but not limited to school age girls.  Transparency, accountability, and sustainability are the main values of all the projects that Ravdanur designs, implements and monitors.

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+90 534 257 41 71

[email protected]

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي